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Friday, April 11, 2014

Mission Accomplished!

One of my goals for 2014 was to begin a blog about my creative endeavors. Here we are, 3 1/2 months into the year, and the voyage has begun! As this is my first foray into blogging, it's been a lot of work and a steep learning curve getting to this point.

First, a little about me...

I've always had a creative streak and did many arts and crafts growing up. As an adult, I've felt compelled to make things that are interesting and beautiful. Whatever I was into, I'd go just a little nuts, tweaking the directions or going completely off in my own direction. At one time or another I've been into bead weaving, crocheting, stenciling and mosaics. I've tried fused glass, baked some interesting birthday cakes and faux painted a night sky in a bathroom. I've written stories and music and design my own Christmas cards nearly every year. (Hover over pictures for descriptions.) Mosaic Mirror Carnegie Mellon Tartan Cake
Mouse Cake with Cheese Cake Bathroom walls and ceiling with faux finished night sky

In the past few years I've ventured into digital art. I simply started playing with my pictures on Photoshop, discovering various results from applying one effect after another. Some of my images end up like paintings while others are quite abstract. After giving some prints as gifts, I was told I should sell my designs and started my Zazzle store, nharveyart on zazzle.

Once I was doing more, I got frustrated with the difficulty of using just a mouse and purchased a graphics tablet. This opened up a new vault of possibilities; I started creating designs from scratch and doing a bit of drawing as well. I've made a few submissions to and the derby at (I'm "enaych" on those sites) and may do so again in the future.

My goals include increasing my productivity and skill. I hope that sharing my work on this blog with some frequency will drive me in this direction. I will display new designs, share my thoughts on them, and provide a link if they're available for purchase. When I enter a competition, I'll announce that as well. If I figure out something new or a new way to do something, I may post the occasional tutorial. I'll also show off any worthy miscellaneous projects.

Mission accomplished...and on to the next!

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